Startseite / Blog / 2022 / November / 26 / Thanksgiving - class 6eSeite Drucken
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. In our bilingual lesson on Thursday we talked about the tradition of this holiday and found out why it is still important today. One tradition is to tell the others what you are thankful for. We wrote down our ideas and shared them in class. Among the things we are grateful for are family and friends, our pets, the living standard in Germany, people we can trust, a warm home and many more. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. In our bilingual lesson on Thursday we talked about the tradition of this holiday and found out why it is still important today.
One tradition is to tell the others what you are thankful for. We wrote down our ideas and shared them in class. Among the things we are grateful for are family and friends, our pets, the living standard in Germany, people we can trust, a warm home and many more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
class 6e and Ms. Kammermeyer
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