The project everynamecounts - Arolsen Archives - in bilingual history year 9-

  • Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2024
  • Michael Oelschlegel

Zugehörige Gruppen

  • Englisch

Im bilingualen Unterricht Geschichte haben sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassenstufe 9 mit ihrem Lehrer Daniel Dietrich mit Verfolgten des NS-Regimes beschäftigt und dank #everynamecounts und der Mitarbeit vieler Freiwilliger (u.a. auch Schülerinnen und Schülern) entsteht derzeit das weltweit größte Online-Archiv über die Opfer der NS-Verfolgung.

The project everynamecounts - Arolsen Archives - in bilingual history year 9-

The project #everynamecounts - Arolsen Archives - in bilingual history year 9-

On the 9th of January we, the bilingual students of the classes 9 a & b did research on the Arolsen Archives. The Arolsen Archives is one of the largest collection of information and belongings of victims of the Second World War. The archives store information, so that people can find out more about the past of relatives and friends who died due to the Nazi terror during the Second World War. The Arolsen Archives have already scanned a lot of documents and are currently transferring the information so that people don't have to go there or call them, but can just type in the name of the person they want information about and find it online. But because there are thousands of documents and millions of other artefacts, it would take a really long time to process all of these items alone, and therefore you can help them and that is also what we did in that lesson. We went to the Arolsen Archives website with the iPads and clicked on the button "Learn and participate" and then on #everynamecounts. We then saw the prisoner file cards on the left side of the display. Sometimes there was a lot of information and sometimes just a name and the year of birth. On the right side there were boxes where you could enter the information “deciphered“ on the left side. When you entered all the given information, you press send and you're done. Of course, it is being checked again, but the people there have a lot less work to do.
I personally found it very interesting, because I could see how old people were, what their profession was, where they came from and much more. You should go check it out! It is a really good way to get an original insight into the lives of former concentration camp prisoners. The vast numbers of victims thus become a little bit more graspable and approchable than ususally. The project #everynamecounts tries to give the millions of people that were persecuted and murdered by the Nazis a face and helps to remember them adequately.

Malin Stiegeler, 9b

More infos on the project #everynamecounts can be found here:

Zugehörige Downloads

Lesen Sie mehr dazu im Artikel des Vorjahres in der Stuttgarter zeitung vom 27.01.2023

20230127_STZ_D_STZ.pdf - 1,9 MB


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